Of Cows and Crabs the Evolution of the Wells Reserve at Laudholm
Delve into the stories of what these historic buildings were and are today!
Please reserve your space by emailing caryn@wellsnerr.org or calling Caryn at (207) 646-1555 x110.
Atop a hill where the Little River and the Gulf of Maine meet and mix, sits one of 30 National Estuarine Research Reserves. Today, the Wells Reserve at Laudholm is a place of coastal research, stewardship, and ecological learning. But there is much more to this story. Beginning in the 1640s, we will explore the rich history of this site, from saltwater family farm to protected estuary reserve. This guided walk will take us into the barns and historic structures around campus, with a peek into the coastal ecology research lab.
This walk is part of the global Jane's Walk festival. FMI https://www.mainepreservation....